History of the Spiritual Science Mother Church
The Spiritual Science Mother Church was founded on May 29, 1923, by Reverend Mother Julia Forrest at Carnegie Hall Studios, in New York City. It was organized by Rev. Mother Julia O. Forrest, a former Christian Science practitioner who had become a Spiritualist, and Dr. Carl Horton Pierce.
The founder set for these objectives of the church:
· Make a systematic examination of the laws of being about the spiritual person,
· Promote spiritual progress and ethical training along lines of applied psychology,
· Investigate and interpret psychic phenomena in the light of modern scientific research,
· Assist in the orderly and safe development of the seeker's soul,
· Assist seekers in spiritual integration, and
Welcome every sincere truth-seeking individual.
Reverend Laura Smith
Reclaiming Our Story
The early history of the Mother Church was colorful. The history was never set down in writing. When the founder, Reverend Julia Forrest passed, her family burnt her personal and church papers. There were attempts to assemble the history in 1978 and 1979 by Reverend Laura Smith, Pastor of the Second Spiritual Science Church of Rochester, NY, but Reverend Glenn Argoe (who succeeded Reverend Forrest) and the senior ministers at the time, did not cooperate with Reverend Smith. When Reverend Lillian Corbin (who succeeded Reverend Argoe) passed, again persons who were living in her house at that time destroyed the existing church records that were stored there.
The following history was compiled through the efforts of Reverend Steven Jarose, Reverend George Bergman, Jr., Reverend Mary Gemming, Reverend Thai Jason, and Reverend Ray Brennan, with the help of the late Reverend Laura Smith’s notes.
As they felt comfortable with the organization of the Christian Science movement they used its structure as a model for the structure of the Spiritual Science Church. Reverend Forrest became the pastor of the Spiritual Science Mother Church and head of the Ecclesiastical Council, which administers the church's affairs. She and Reverend Pierce also established and incorporated a Spiritual Science Institute for training ministers on December 6, 1923. The Ecclesiastical Council of the Spiritual Science Mother Church was incorporated on June 15, 1934.
After the passing of Reverend Forrest, Reverend Glenn Argoe became the second President of the organization. She had been Pastor of the First Spiritual Science Church of New York City. Reverend Argoe directed the Mother Church for over four decades, and she incorporated Message Giving into the services and the training of ministers. Spiritual Science Churches were soon established primarily in the Eastern part of the U.S. The principal churches were in various parts of New York City; Rochester, NY; Keyport, NJ; and Washington, DC. Not all these churches still exist.
Each individual Spiritual Science Church is authorized and structured as a Branch Church of the Ecclesiastical Council and offers the opportunity for various individuals to draw close to others of like mind.In 1941, Reverend Alice Wellstood Tindall founded the First Spiritual Science Church of Washington, DC, and she became a Trustee of the Mother Church. In 1969, Reverend Henry Nagorka and Reverend Diane Nagorka succeeded Reverend Tindall. That year they changed the name of the DC church to the National Spiritual Science Center. In the 1970's, the Washington, DC church had a dispute with the Mother Church (primarily over the ownership and revision of the lessons and the ownership of a printing press) and the National Spiritual Science Center split from the Mother Church. The Washington, DC church exists today, and its leadership is now in the hands of a Board of Directors. Its affiliates are the Baltimore Spiritual Science Center in Maryland and the Candlelight Spiritual Science Center in North Carolina.
In 1951 the Ecclesiastical Council certified the First Spiritual Science Church of Rumson, which was in Rumson NJ, and was led by Reverend Myrtle Pinkney. On May 10, 1978, Reverend Pinkney retired. The church was moved to Keyport, NJ. Reverend Carolyn Rossiter assumed responsibility for the church.
In 1970, Reverend Ellen Resch succeeded Reverend Benjamin Powell as Pastor of the Fourth Spiritual Science Church of New York City and under the leadership of Reverend Resch the church became the largest of all the Spiritual Science Churches.
The First Spiritual Science Church of Rochester, NY, was incorporated on May 10, 1960, with the Pastor as Reverend Maymie Rosenbaum. Reverend Paul Viel succeeded her. This church disbanded in 1983. The Second Spiritual Science Church of Rochester was incorporated on March 14, 1978, founded by Reverend Laura Smith.
For a long period of time The Mother Church was directed by Reverend Glenn Argoe as President with the following principal ministers on the Ecclesiastical Council: Reverend Carolyn Rossiter (Pastor of 1st Spiritual Science Church of Keyport, NJ), 1st Vice President; Reverend Lillian Corbin (Pastor of the 3rd Spiritual Science Church of NYC), Treasurer; Reverend Beatrice Hejda, Secretary; Reverend Ellen Resch, (Pastor of the 4th Spiritual Science Church of N.Y.C.), 2nd Vice President; and Reverend Paul Viel (Pastor of the 1st Spiritual Science Church of Rochester, NY, Trustee.
Reverend Ellen Resch
When Reverend Glenn Argoe passed on January 29, 1987, Reverend Lillian Corbin became the third President of the Spiritual Science Mother Church. On September 19, 1987, a Branch Church was founded in Rochester, NY while Reverend Corbin led the Mother Church. This church was called the St. Germain Fellowship with Reverend Mary Gemming as its Pastor. It was the first Spiritual Science church to expand the Ascended Masters Teachings and not rely on Spiritualistic teaching. It disbanded on December 31, 1994 after Reverend Gemming moved out of state.
In 1988 Reverend Corbin became ill and in 1990 the Mother Church was moved from New York City to Rochester, NY. The church became inactive during Reverend Corbin’s illness. However, under Reverend Corbin, on Jan. 26, 1991, the Mother Church’s Constitution and By-Laws were revised. It was through the tireless efforts of Reverend Steven Jarose (of the 2nd Spiritual Science Church of Rochester and the Secretary of the Mother Church at that time) that the church was kept alive during the period 1989 through 1994.
The Mother Church was revived after Reverend Corbin’s death in 1994 and Reverend Thai Jason (of the 4th Spiritual Science Church of NYC who succeeded Reverend Ellen Resch) was named President of the Mother Church. Reverend Gail Clay (of the 2nd Spiritual Science Church of Rochester, NY) followed her as President in 1997. In 2004, the Church moved back to New York City from Rochester, and Reverend Thai Jason again became President. In 2005, Reverend Stoyell Robbins (of the 2nd Spiritual Science Church of Rochester) was elected President of the Mother Church. On Oct. 30, 2005, the Spiritual Science Center of the Mountains, of Shawnee on Delaware, PA, became a Branch Church of the Mother Church; it is metaphysical and is headed by Reverend Ray Brennan and Reverend Masomeh Moazampour.
In 2006 Reverend Laura Smith (formerly of the 2nd Spiritual Science Church of Rochester) was elected President of the Mother Church. Under Reverend Smith the Church was regenerated mostly through the efforts of Reverend Thai Jason and the current members of the Ecclesiastical Council. Upon Reverend Smith’s passing on April 12, 2009, Reverend Thai Jason once again was elected the President of the Organization. On April 13, 2009 the Spiritual Science Church of Angelic Grace of Alexandria, VA, became a Branch Church of the Mother Church; it is primarily a healing church headed by Reverend Jay Quinn.
As of 2010, many innovations have been instituted: Reverend Jay Quinn designed a new logo for the Mother Church; Reverend Jason has moved the church into the 21st Century by instituting a web site presence on the Internet (http://www.spiritualsciencemotherchurch. org) which was designed and executed by Reverend George Bergman, Jr.; and this semiannual newsletter for members has been introduced.
Reverend Mother Julia Forrest
Dr. Carl Horton Pierce